Is the Cold Winter Weather Effecting Your Evergreens?

Central Ohio is known for its dry, cold winters.  There are the occasional snow and ice storms that push their way through the state but more often than not, we receive the winter weather without the snow.  Whether you knew it or not, this awkward weather can play a huge role in the health of your evergreens next spring.

Have you noticed a pine tree that looked wonderful going in to the winter months and as spring came and went that same evergreen was brown and dead?  This is a common problem caused by winter desiccation.  Evergreens continue their photosynthetic processes during the winter, only at a slower rate.  If an evergreen loses more water through their needles or leaves than what is absorbed by the roots, dehydration may cause the death of your plant.drought-stressed-evergreen

Snow can be a wonderful source of water during the winter months to battle desiccation.  If you have an overhang around your home or office and notice the snow is not wrapping up your plants, it would be a good idea as you shovel your walkway to put some of the snow around the base of the plant.  This will not only provide water to the plant but will also provide protection from the cold winds.

If there is a long dry spell of cold weather go ahead and water the root ball of your evergreen tree or shrub.  You may not be able to hook and use your hose during the freezing weather but buckets of water will do just fine.  Avoid splashing water on the leaves and stems as this can turn to ice and cause the stem to break off, later disfiguring your tree or shrub.  Plants do not require as much water during the winter months but you should add water if the dry spell lasts more than a couple of weeks in your area.overhang-plants

Ohio winters can be hard on humans and plants alike.  Just as your skin may dry out from constant freezing wind, so can plants.  Avoid dead plants next season by being attentive and proactive.  Keep your evergreens healthy by supplying water to the roots during those snow-less, dry spells.  You will be happy next year that you did!

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