Did you Contribute to Arbor Day 2010?

Arbor Day 2010

Arbor Day is a nationally celebrated holiday occurring annually the last Friday in April.  It is a holiday that encourages groups and individuals to plant trees.  Arbor Day began in Nebraska in 1872.  What quickly started as enthusiasm for agriculture and a love of nature, J. Sterling Morton encouraged groups to plant trees.  Not only did they act as windbreaks but they were used for buildings, to keep soil from eroding and provided much needed shade from the hot sun.

Morton proposed a tree planting holiday called “Arbor Day” to the State Board of Agriculture.  Prizes would be offered to individuals and groups who planted the most trees.  It was estimated that on the first Arbor Day, over 1 million trees were planted in Nebraska.  By 1885, Arbor Day was declared a legal holiday in Nebraska.  Other states followed and began passing their own legislation to promote Arbor Day in their part of the country.

Throughout the years, Buck & Sons Landscape, Inc. has continued in J. Sterling Morton’s footsteps and has planted trees on this celebrated holiday in April.  This year, Buck & Sons Landscape planted a tree at Washington Townships’ Homestead Park in Hilliard, OH.

A scarlet oak was planted along with an engraved granite boulder that was dedicated not only to Arbor Day itself, but to the men and women serving in the United States Armed Forces.  The project featured a plant bed encompassing a Scarlet Oak and granite boulder. The Scarlet Oak represents strength, courage, and durability. The fall red color represents passion, the red stripes of our national flag which represent the blood shed in the battle for freedom. An engraved granite boulder, also depicting strength and longevity was placed at the base of the dedicated tree. 

Buck & Sons Landscape, Inc. also made a trip to a local elementary school to donate a lacebark elm tree.  The tree was planted in front of the elementary school.  Local officials were on hand to officially dedicate the tree for Arbor Day.  Local celebrity Tom McNutt explained the importance of Arbor Day and also provided insight as to why we celebrate this special day to the students.

Arbor Day is a wonderful holiday.  Everyone should do their part to plant a tree on this day in April.

Homestead Park is located on Cosgray Road in Hilliard, OH.  To visit the park and for more information visit their website:  http://www.wtwp.com/

Britton Elementary school is part of the Hilliard School District.  For more information visit their website:  http://www.hilliard.k12.oh.us/

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