Five Things You Should Do On the 1st REALLY GREAT Spring Weekend


This weekend promises to be the first really great weekend this spring in Ohio, weather speaking that is! What should you do if you’re itching to get out and work in the yard? Here are five things we recommend … Enjoy!

  1. Aerate.  This helps manage dead grass, leaves and winter debris, while also loosening all of that hardened and compacted soil.
  2. The Great Clean Up. If you’ve got trees, they’ve likely shed branches this winter.  Picking up lingering leaves, dead grass and other “unmentionables” will make you feel accomplished, and your lawn look GREAT.
  3. Start Fertilizing.  Hit your lawn with a nice dose of fertilizer to kick off the growing process. Read the directions! The correct amount you add to your lawn is imperative, as well as, how you apply the fertilizer.  Pick a hybrid blend of fertilizer, as it will release a little now — and save some for later too.
  4. Apply Seed.  This is a great time to introduce some fresh cultivars of grass seed into your lawn.  Also, since we’re in the Spring season, the rains will do the trick in keeping the seed moist.
  5. Call Us.  No one loves your lawn like we do.  If you’d like us to give you an estimate on managing the above and more — on routine cutting and maintenance … Or even bigger landscape architectural projects, we’d love to hear from you before the summer settles in and schedules book up with activities.  Think 876-BUCK.


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